Introduction to the Immersive Relief Pain Management Programme


The way you think affects the way you feel, and this affects the things you choose to do and this has an impact on your physical health regardless of your illness. This is sometimes called Mind-body medicine. Pain is complicated and all the factors that influence it must be considered.


Does this mean we are saying pain is all in our minds and that it is our attitude that is to blame?  

No. Definitely not. We are human and as such parts of our body can sometimes go awry or simply wear out, we can get ill or have an injury and when this happens we often suffer pain. BUT pain that has lasted several months (known as chronic or persistent pain) is very different to the sort of pain you get with toothache or an injury (acute pain) and whilst pain killers can sort out acute pain they are rarely effective when pain has persisted for more than a few months.


Key features:

You are about to enter on a personalised journey. No two people with the same condition experience pain in the same way and by the same token, we all find different techniques helpful in overcoming it.
The programme is flexible, you will be introduced to a range of techniques, and you then focus on the ones you find most helpful. Many of the techniques you will learn have a positive impact on all areas of your life.
There are self-assessment tools that help you track your progress and help you find the techniques that are most beneficial for you.
You will be guided by pain management experts and people with lived experience who explain how and why the different techniques work.

There is a waiting list for this course so please email [email protected] if you would like to put your name down.

The first module is free, it will give you a better idea of whether you want to sign up for the whole course. If you don’t you will have learnt a few tips to help you take control of your pain so you have nothing to lose.